A careful attitude in the cotton world
We grow cotton in Ivory Coast. 30 000 hectares and 15 000 tonnes of top quality cotton. We work in partnership with african cooperatives in order to improve local cultures through funding, productive resources and italian know-how.

We improve field productivity through different activities, such as the purchase of oxen, seed supply and tools. We care also about the environment to prevent soil acidity and to build small warehouses in local villages.
We constantly provide training course for farmers. The encadrement, a team of local professionals coordinated by our italian agronomists, teaches growers how to use fertilizers, plant protection products and treatments based on specific times and work procedures.

Attention to the environment and to the well-being of people guarantees an increasingly higher quality to the raw material. Our agronomists travel constantly in Ivory Coast to spread out cultivation techniques employing the most innovative technologies.
“Since 2008 we've considered the Ivory Coast's district as a raw material source with the purpose of being more competitive in a globalized market".
Dott. Luigi Eusebio

Over the years we support a corporate social responsibility concept. We focus on the wellbeing of African people, who perceive our activities as a personal growth and an environmental progress.
According specific systems, cotton cultivation is constantly improved to minimize environmental impact and to promote suitable working conditions. We are committed to the personal and professional growth of our employees with economic and humanitarian support, such as the construction of a nursery school for the children of farmers.